the off-time kick really makes me feel like i'm being pulled or even dragged along. big fan of the first half
the off-time kick really makes me feel like i'm being pulled or even dragged along. big fan of the first half
unique af. haven't heard anything like it yet. love the tempo change at the end too
dance dance dance ooh ooh dance woo
dance dance dance ooh ahh dance woo
You're such a master of atmosphere. I love how inactive i am with this website, because every time i come back, i hear how much my favorite artists have improved. Incredible as always.
p.s. happy new year :3
That's craaaaaazy...
Some might even consider insane.
Second drop takes me places
That is a LOT of bass XD I mean idk what you heard in your dream so i can't really judge too much. The dreamy feel does come across well tho. I like the guitar/synth melody. It's like you wake up in front of the TV and some random Adult Swim thing is playing.
Nice ;)
When I uploaded this I didn't hear anything weird about the track, now that I'm listening to it with other headphones I understand what you mean, the truth is that the bass destroys you and there is a lot of noise, I don't understand what happened
Going from the intro to the main part of the track is pretty abrupt. It's a really nice groove tho. I love the piano melody.
Nice ;)
Thanks and I'll keep that in mind! Now that I'm thinking about it. I guess there should have been a cross fade instead of just appearing in the next bar
Big fan of the atmosphere in the beginning and when the guitar comes in at 1:50 ish. I like the journey from sort of dark to opening up and reaching this point of "success." Not sure how else to word it.
Nice track ;)
Been midnight for a while now, hasn't it?
Joined on 8/26/17